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  • Heya! It's all good, no worries~ Moving sounds exciting! I hope you like your new place! 'u'

    As far as the roleplay goes, it's actually okay because I had some major changes I wanted to make with my character, might even decide on a different one entirely! If you decide to reboot it or change it, I'll probably still be on board though! C:
    Cookie just pinged me :) I don't know if you have a free spot, or if you need me to hold her a day or two.. Let me know ~
    Well I don't think I'll void him today since I know you're interested, I'll see. good luck with Goldie!

    if you still wanna do a RP i'm all for it i'm so sorry :C
    I'm so sorry! ;o; I got really busy again right when I intended to join in the roleplay, so I haven't even gotten to think about starting. I don't know how long I'll be, but I will try to catch up and find a starting point soon! Hopefully I can still find time to join in, but we'll have to see how things go. :0
    aaaa im really sorry, i completely forgot about the RIP ;-; would it be ok if i left it? i find it hard to keep up and remember ;w;
    Yes! I haven't read any of the actual posts yet but I may or may not have gotten some lineart down for a character already, lol. Going to work now though, so I'll try and finish it later today~

    Oh goodness, family gatherings with people you haven't met/don't know too well yet are terrifying! I try to nibble at something that isn't too daunting for me to choke down and say that I ate before I got there or I just am not very hungry if people mention it. The good thing about people who know me is that they know I've always not eaten much anyway so they don't normally question it. Someone I know suggested bringing little snacks everywhere you go and training yourself to feel natural eating in public. I haven't tried it yet though because I've never really got anything good for on-the-go eating. ^-^'

    I hope the gathering goes well for you!
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