• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

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  • Welll actually some of my friends were asking all day, I just said that my cat scratched my eye over the weekend (im pretty good at acting owo)

    Ahhhh please show me a picture when you're done!!! I would love to see the finished product ♡ i-if youre ok with that ;o

    HAAA one time, my friend dressed up as Sonic the hedgehog and we went to the mall XD AND HE WAS RUNNING ALL OVER THE PLACE OMG. XDD

    when I have time I will~ but I kinda suckkk compared to some others here ;A;

    I'm excited now! :3

    btw, I have Tokyo Ghoul's OP from first season stuck in my head. Oh, and did you see the pictures I posted in the thread? ;)
    Okieeee fine XD if I go to this year's anime con, i'll send you a pic ~
    yeah if I just told them I wanted to wear it, everyone would be like what the heck... XD I stayed silent though loll but of course I had fun♡ cosplaying is fun, you get to be your favourite anime character for a day and tht doesnt happen every day XD

    Ahaha yes, I had a graphic arts class before so I have some experience with Photoshop~ I used to own a Siggy shop on here but I got busy D;
    It's a prologue and it's promising. I'm working on the next part right now. ;)

    Well, good luck! (There's actually a ship some of my readers are doing too.)
    Well, warning: Less than Human has only one part up so far. lol

    And Lost Voices is somewhat sad but still sweet and sappy. It may play with your feels a bit but you will enjoy it, I think. ^_^
    Did you find out what happened to Susuya!??!
    AND YAY OMG. A KANEKI BUMP. I'm so using that.. but I might not be on bell tree that much anymore... :'(
    Hm... it has its sweet moments. It is definitely a happy ending imo.

    (Prepare your feels was more directed at Lost Voices.)
    Hehe ^.^ i'm going to interchange between all your pretty icons. I'll be sure to order more icons from you <3
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