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  • ep. 5 now!

    I'm bad with names but the character your avatar is looks so awesome fighting with their quinque (I think I spelled that right). So... yeah.
    Welll I wont be home til like 3-4hrs, so take your time~ and nahh I just feel like helping ♡

    The game didnt really make me grow on him, but the anime XD and I like kirigiri because she's so cool and smart, I feel like I want to cosplay her XD
    I have yet to play DR2 (I know im late ugh) BUUUUUT my favourite from Happy Trigger Havoc is Naegi and Kirigiri XD

    Uhh I can hold 2 for you~ Maybe Lucky and Poppy since they are the ones that have never been to my cycle town and main town XD
    Haha sorry I got absorbed in this movie last night xD
    (Fun fact I absolutely love horror films)

    Hoooow was your day?
    if you're still looking for help, i can hold one of your villagers ^.^

    ooo may i see the results when you're done? if you're okie with that owo
    Okay! I will!

    Eh, idk. I like to write and I like making awesome stories. Maybe it'll be my side hobby. And sure, ask anytime!
    No one will judge you. :3 And don't worry. I shall spam enough for the both of us!


    Same. I started writing for fun but then things got serious and now, I'm really trying to improve my work to the best of my ability. I'm willing to help in any way you need. ^^"
    You should try spamming. It's SO addicting and fun to just look through pages and pages of awesomeness. Once I'm caught up, I'm going to be spamming that thread with Tokyo Ghoul awesomeness. heh.

    No worries. I can resist. :3

    Ooh, you're a writer too? I write mostly original stuff on wattpad. I'm having fun with it. If you ever need help, let me know!
    Nice! I spammed the Death Note thread in that other forum so much with pictures. (my previous obsession)

    Sounds so exciting. Don't tempt me to stay up late to finish it now! XD

    Welp, I better stop neglecting my stories and write a chapter. ;)
    You must have a lot of Tokyo Ghoul pictures. :eek:

    Sounds yummy. And yup, I promise you that I'll be caught up soon! :D
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