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  • I'm sorry... Someone made an offhanded comment about 'Silhouette' being a name for an NSFW/dirty book and it really ruined the name for me... thanks again for the cover, though. ;w;
    Aw, I know what you mean! Life always gets in the way of things. But take your time with it and when you find the perfect image to use, you will know right away. HIS FACE WON'T BE WEIRD. YES maybe one day soon we can actually give it a try! I'm usually not so hyper and loud in public, but with a great friend I can do pretty much anything <3

    Ahh I feel like I could fly to the moon and back again! You always make me happy. Tonight, I'm just even more happy 8u8

    <3 I'll try not to forget ;u;

    Yes, it really is! We found the perfect shipping names for everyone!
    Yay for James!! Do you have images picked out for his theme yet? OuO IT'S GOING TO BE GREAT! You won't make his face weird; don't worry about that!
    omg if we go to a convention together, we totally have to scream I AM GHOUL ARRGGHHH in unison just out of nowhere. Everyone's going to be all '?????' lmao!

    *hugs and squishes you* Thank you so much!! ;7; I'm so happy that my hands are shaking a little over the keyboard. I really feel honored that you enjoyed it (you are amazing yourself and your opinions mean a lot to me) and want to see more... I just hope my artblock lets me go so I can update the comic again. ;u;

    You're such a wonderful friend! <3 *hugs again*

    YES, SEALEE IT IS! Both pronunciations are precious and adorable x3
    NYUU DON'T BE SORRY. I hope we can have the same fun when you begin making your next sig! (Hopefully it will be the James one!! I'm really looking forward to seeing it <3) LOL "I AM GHOUL! ARRRGGGGGHHH" WILL FOREVER BE STUCK IN MY HEAD AS THE GREATEST QUOTE EVER. I need to say it next Halloween omg. I will be ten times as spoopy!

    *hugs tight* You are so incredibly sweet.. Thank you so much for taking the time to read everything. I know I said thank you a million times, but I really mean it from the bottom of my heart. <3 It brings a tear to my eye to know how much you care 8u8

    Saying it like 'Seel-ey' is super cute too! I picture this:

    It's so sealy!! >u<

    omg Alee, you really didn't have to start aaalll the way back in the dark side of my blog. I thought you were just going to read the more recent stuff. I'm really touched and happy that you want to read every comic. ;u; Thank you so much

    It will work! Alee is a really cute and short name, so it will fit in perfectly with Sean's cute and short name! You both have the same amount of letters too!
    Welcome back! Yes, the WELCOME TO HELL sig process was the most hilariously perfect thing ever!

    Thanks ^^; That was so old.. I can't look at my old art. It makes me cringe D: Did you like the main parody comic about superheroes and fighting giant spiders? It is my most recent

    I like SONISH. omg that's perfect! For you and your fiance, Sealee would be so adorable! (Pronounced Shah-lee)
    Thank you! Step by step is perfectly fine; you can show me in any way you'd like OuO YES IT WAS FUN. It was amazing! Out of all your sigs, it's one of my favorites!

    Thank you <3 I'm a little embarrassed about how the comic starts. My drawings were a lot different and I had no idea what I was doing with the story ;u; Hopefully it didn't turn out too bad..!

    YUS! Hmm.. For you, it could be Suzalee (Alee + Suzuya)! For me, maybe Sonae (Sonic + Dae) or Sonashley. lol I think you should come up with the name for you and your fiance! >u<
    Yay! Please show me all of them! I love your work process and seeing your edits come to life (Watching the WELCOME TO HELLL sig start from a single pikachu image to the final product was like an amazing journey xD)

    Thank you for reading it! The comic is several pages into the blog. Just keep going back until it says 'Part 1' at the bottom.. I'm still sorry if things are difficult to navigate! I should organize it a little better ;u;

    *squees again* Yay!! (I ship you with your fiance and Suzuya! <3)
    Do you have a James avatar and sig ready to preview? I'd love to see what it looks like before you change your theme! ^^ Besides, Suzuya and his cuteness will always be there waiting in case you want him back!

    Aww, you don't have to read the comic, but it means the world to me that you want to. <3 The first chapter is 33 pages long, and because of tumblr's formatting the later pages appear first on the blog. I'm sorry that was confusing for you ;u;

    Ahh I'm so happy! Thank you! All day today I was just giggling and squeeing to myself. When I was 14, I wanted Sonic to be my hubby. lol little me would be jumping for joy right now!
    Oh my goodness, yes! It's horrible to think that there are some sicknesses one cannot recover from! ;o;

    Nnn, you're making me even more curious now! We'll just have to see what you've cooked up... owo
    Yeah, sicknesses stink. :C

    Oooh, sounds interesting! But a little scary too! :0
    Thanks, me too! c: And yeah, I've noticed a lot of people are getting sick lately. Something must be going around. P:

    Yes, it's definitely helpful to have some endings thought out, even if they're just rough ideas! That way you have a sort of backup plan even if you go with something else.
    James makes me want my own ditto to poke! lmao he looks so happy!

    Aw, don't worry about it. Worse comes to worse, you can always change your theme back if it doesn't seem like a good fit for you. Give it a try for a few hours and see if you like it <3

    Yes, the entire comic is on my tumblr. OuO Your ideas are really adorable, and they got the creative gears in my head moving. Hopefully I can come up with the next part soon! Haha, it's okay. I'm happy that you liked the drawings by themselves, even if you didn't see them as a comic at first ^^

    So jelly of your running skills! I married Sanic today in a thread (lol!) and I need to get super speed to keep up with him! xD
    Ah, been recovering from a flu. I had a fever a few days ago accompanied by a sore throat, body aches and an insanely runny nose. D: But most of it is gone now, I just have the runny nose and a few headaches here and there.

    I'm glad you're better! And it's alright, just take your time~ <3 I'm so excited to see what happens next!
    I promise not to overexert myself! All your advice is so helpful. Every single time, I'd make the mistake of doing too much too quickly and then spending an entire week in pain because of aching arms and legs. D: Thanks again for all the help!!

    ;u; You may have been born without white blood cells, but you are much more vital compared to others. Most people can't run and play for hours like you do, even though they wish they could. You are a natural athlete, actually. Yes, live life to the fullest! I can completely fall behind that statement. <3
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