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  • THAT GIF IS SO ADORABLE. I squeed and watched it for much too long x3

    Yeah, I know how you feel! When you have a sig/gif combination for a while, it becomes part of your identity on the forums and has lots of sentimental value. All your edits are fantastic, so your upcoming James theme will be just as great as your current Suzuya one!

    I did start my comic, actually! It's been going on for quite a while, and you can see them on my blog. Here is the first page of Chapter 2:

    Unfortunately I have no idea what happens next. 8u8
    Oh, don't worry! I love it when you write a lot! We have tons of stuff to talk about and that's always a great thing <3

    Oo, you should change your theme if you want to! A James one would be perfect, and it'll help you get inspired by the character even further. (Or maybe you could put James in the avatar and Litwick in the signature, or vice versa. It'll be so adorable omg) We will both get out of the our creative blocks soon! I just know it ^u^

    Ah, thank you so much for all the advice! I'll try my best today to walk more and go further than usual, and hopefully convince my parents to bring our family to a local park as well. Your boundless energy is incredible! It inspires me to go out there and do a little more >u<
    Hooray! I'm glad you're breaking free of it! My art block is still haunting me. >< I draw comics, so coming up with what happens next is super difficult. This is what I get for jumping into a story with no plan at all. OTL

    NOOO are you okay? Does your skin still hurt? ;3;

    omg so jelly of your infinite energy! When the sun beats down on me, I have absolutely none at all and start lagging behind. Playing all those games with you would be incredibly enjoyable, and it would even help me get into better shape. I'm slim but I can't even run a mile without wanting to fall over. ;v;
    Aww, I know your pain. ;u; I'm sure the park and nature itself will provide great inspiration for you!

    It's okay to one up us! Arizona trumps New York every time when it comes to heat. Please remember to bring sunscreen so you don't get too roasted out there; Being sunburned is no fun at all D:

    What kind of games do you like to play? (I wish I could come too and join in on all the fun) :D
    I'm glad we could talk some more >u<

    How is the weather for you? In New York right now, it's so hot you could cook eggs on the sidewalk. lol!

    Are you and your fiance going to have a cute picnic at the park? ouo
    Hi, Alee! <3 I can't get on skype right now, unfortunately ;u;

    How are you? *hugs*
    I bet you can guess which female version of an anime character you know is this... Warning, it's a big image. I really need to work on my sizing in photoshop xD
    The face stitches are in the correct place, right?
    *sigh* It's fine... I just want to end the RP soon so I can get out of your life... I have no place in it, anyways.
    haha im so sorry it was my fault, i didn't think i'd be so busy recently +++ got lazy to go on here or my ds rip but thank you for being patient!! good luck wooing rae ;)
    i',m free all night *** so let me know when you get back on, i'll check every 10-20 mins ^^;
    honestly our timing sucks and i leave like almost after 5 mins rippppp

    ill be available all day though :L please be here lol.... i feel so bad..
    well I'm supposed to get it around next year.. i just don't have it this year because of some money issues with my family. So I have to wait for it right now ;-;

    I think I'll watch some anime.. that always helps. it's just there isn't time to do anything sometimes, it's horrible
    Agh I put you through too much, I'm sorry for acting like a 12 year old all the time
    I'll take a nap soon hopefully if I can get this done.. I'll try though. I feel a bit better just letting it out
    I just want to lay down and not have to worry about anything anymore
    and I'm being so dramatic.. what's wrong with me ugh
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