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  • ~hey I see you got off but I hope you feel better okay?

    -- your mom will always love you no matter where she is
    Thank you for understanding ~ haha yeah sometimes I lock myself out of my room because I can't remember where I put my key and I have to wait till my roommate gets back #embarrassingconfession

    pass out= like you're so tired you just hop in bed and immediatly go to bed
    I didn't faint or anything! I was just exhausted from yesterday!

    Aw... I'm sure she's missing you too. I'm here for you if you need to talk.. I know it's really hard for you.. it's almost over
    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO oh my god I hate myself im so sorry, I have memory issues I don't remember things im so sorry oh my god please don't be sad *tries to run to you but falls down stairs*

    IT WAS AN ACCIDENT. oh my gosh you need to believe me with this x.x after I ate dinner I went out with my friends to Dairy Queen and passed out when I got back I SWEAR

    HUH why? Why? Is it because of me? I'll jump off a cliff if it is.

    um.. I sorta.. Um.. Okay don't be mad at me but.. I FORGOT IM SO SORRY I LEFT YOU THERE WITH THE PIGEONS (kill me now)

    I pretty much keep everything anyways haha, but yeah you don't need to keep much. And aw I know, it's kind of sad how the day after nobody talks about it. ;-;
    Honestly the rabbit fur isn't used in a ton of clothing, mostly just regular/alpaca/suffolk wool. There are a few hat patterns that require it. And I'm at the end of Fall, Year 2 rn. c:
    Do you know if there is any English dubbed versions of Tokyo Ghoul season 1? I keep finding subbed versions...
    If this helps, Clyde and I used to fight a lot, same with Izzy, but we always managed to make up after periods of silence.
    I hope that last message was reassuring, somewhat. I don't know. I think I'm getting a fever...
    I'll think on it.

    I hope you know...

    I'm a hopeless liar who is easily distracted and has a memory problem. So take any words I say with a grain of salt because half the time, I don't mean it.
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