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  • Yeah...

    Btw, how much longer until mansion ends? If it's more than a week, I think I'll drop out. I'm kind of losing motivation/interest.
    *posts in rainbow acknowledging your character even though it's too late*

    Okay. I feel better now. Have a nice night.
    Yes, I'm serious... I don't feel like explaining right now because I'm on mobile...
    You're not a bother! Really, you made things fun...

    *sigh* I can't... I'm sorry but I just hold grudges in such a nasty way. I'm just a terrible person, really. (I had my reasons...) It kind of already ruined it, to be honest...
    Honey, please, you matter... it wouldn't be the same without you. Plus, the rest of us were confused. People were still joining and stuff. Just... please don't feel unwanted.

    Sorry. This isn't something I can easily get over... ;w;
    It just bothers me how you went straight to "Should I drop out?" instead of "Help me not be ignored." The latter would have shown you cared and wanted to be included while the former shows you're taking it lightly.
    Well, I'm a weirdo who feels every emotion at once, while also feeling nothing at all. It's complicated. Therefore, I am calm and mad and etc.
    I sent a reply to your pm! I hope you feel better soon ;n;

    (Oh, and I have to get going now. I'll talk to you later! <3)
    omg I was about to type something, but I lost my train of thought because of strange booming sounds from outside my window o__o

    It sounds kinda like foreworks but..?? I'm confused D:

    But anyway, I'm glad that you don't have anything to complain about. :D You just enjoy the game and love every second of it
    If you felt excluded, then you should have spoken up sooner instead of just dropping right away... *sigh* Look, just do whatever you want. I don't really care anymore.
    You're being rude and insensitive about it. You keep making fun of it as if we're trying to exclude you when we're all confused about this. We're just trying to make sense of it and we're all in the same boat. The RP is also slow because timezones and people aren't online that much. So when they are, they only can RP with those other people online because they don't want to wait a day or two for a reply. Or be frozen. Plus, I really don't like how many times you bring up how you're going to drop out like you're making fun of the RP. If you're going to leave, just tell me once. Don't repeat like you want me to sympathize with you. It's too much.

    So... there you have it. My ruder side.
    You should go for Nadi! Let me know what he's like if you do. His design makes him seem so quiet and mysterious, but I don't know anything about him.

    I heard that the game is really, really strict about break-ups. Like in order to end a relationship, you have to ignore them for a whole season (and that includes not going to festivals to avoid them), amongst other things.

    Nothing happened; I was just curious! Here's the link to the SOS Minor Annoyances thread: I lurk it a lot because it's fun to read about people complaining xD
    Yes, I promise. Don't worry. Just drop out if you want to. It didn't work out for you. I understand. I just don't really have the patience to help fix things so it would be best if you just dropped out of the RP. Besides, I think it might be stressful to be in multiple RP's at once.
    Who am I kidding? I am seriously mad about this... but it's fine. -w-
    Raeger x Lolipup 4ever! lol I ship it!

    If you marry Raeger in the second file, it will be double the fun. Besides, in SOS it takes forever to break up with somebody or get a divorce, so maybe sticking with your favorite would be the best choice. ;D

    Have you read the fogu forums recently? ouo
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