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  • Yeah!! lmao the Harvest Goddess literally just teleports in one morning, says 'Soo.. I had this baby.. Can't take care of it, so here! You take it!' and disappears. The poor farmer goes like '???' and the cutscene ends. I can't believe they made it so difficult to marry her, and when you finally fulfill all the requirements she is a horrible mother and wife. XD TOT/AP Harvest Goddess is so much better!!

    The marriage candidates were pretty bad in that game.. but Rock and Marlin seemed like the best choices (even though Marlin was really obsessed about Celia). In Harvest Moon DS, my farmer married Muffy. OuO And he would marry her again in A Wonderful Life if I had the game. She's really sweet!
    Actually, that sounds quite good! I'll look at it now!
    Well.... Not sure if it was Thursday or Wednesday, but MayorBambie apparently didn't sleep at all!
    Btw, I finished editing Bitter's prologue! When I stop being lazy, I'll edit chapters one and two as well.
    Ok accidently, I fell asleep last night with my phone plopped on my face, and the lights were on and I was still wearing a dress and so when my roommate woke my up.. She thought I got drunk or something x.x

    aah I have to go to a competition in a couple hours that I told you nothing about because I was too embarrased, and I'm so nervous ;-; aaaaah
    Animal Parade and Tree of Tranquility were great games too. omg I saw playthroughs of them on youtube and I love the art style, gameplay, and all the characters. They're adorbs! Oh, and the Harvest Goddess was such a sweet and gentle person. Usually in all the other games, she seems kinda full of herself. (And if you manage to marry her, she would live far away from you and just 'drop off' the baby she just happened to have) I thought that was funny. xD

    Yeah, you can give customer feedback! I'm not sure where, but if you check out the fogu SOS forums, there are people who have mentioned it. (Try looking through the 'Minor Annoyances' thread)

    Another Wonderful Life is one of the best HM games imo. >u< Who did you marry when you played?
    Dang it I edited after you read it. I'm so sorry please forgive me I just slipped and forgot that that was personal. Dx It's not late for me, but I don't know about you. Okay then have a good sleep. ^^ I think water is the best though. :p <3
    Oh, I don't really know the difference. :p If you don't want to sleep then it's okay. I mean it's Friday. ^^ Child. Just kidding. <3 Some people just eat the white part of the Oreo, I used to do that but the black part is good as well.
    What a nice way to insult someone, syllabus (Auto correct is great, sillybutt). xD You should go to sleep. ^^ What time is it for you? Oh yeah I love Oreos. <3
    You're welcome. I thought you were Asian. *Mind blown.* o.o Go to sleep Loli. The bed is calling your name. Cookies and milk is even more delicious. <3
    I don't mind. ^^ You're a genius without even knowing it. :p You're Irish? Whoa. I never experienced that so I can't help you there. >.< Milks good for you.
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