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  • I never knew restaurants had kid's menus. O.O You make people feel bad because they mistake you for a child. :p Also on a side note is your fiancé buff? So he can protect you.

    I never said it'd be a reward, silly. It'd be a punishment for writing slow~ Plus, I know you a bit better than to pick something you'd like for a punishment. hehe.

    Really? Oh, my... hm... I'm not really sure. The only thing I can think of is tease you with possibilities of Nate being hurt/tortured or falling in love~
    Too many to count. Did people ever actually make fun of you for your height? It they did they can get these hands. :mad:
    *grins* It's much faster too!~

    Oh, um, I can give you a little punishment if you get distracted? Like take an extra few hours than promised? >w<
    Yes! And no, eggs collectibles should be present still but eggs currency wise are gone~

    I'm sure it'll work. Just be sure to save your ideas somewhere safe. ^^
    Yeah, that's why I never have seen those kind of couples. Also what do you mean it's uncomfortable? ^^ You sound kind of naughty Loli.
    It'll be so great! ^^

    Oh, and he could have joint problems too. Depends on how good his health is~
    You're welcome honey. What do you think about women dating men that are shorter then them?
    Ooooh, um... let's see. Usually old people complain about their back hurting so maybe that?
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