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  • Aw, haha I'm so glad you like it! c: Honestly all of the clothes in this game are so adorable it's hard to choose what to wear! D;
    Is your teeth in good shape? I stopped drinking soda unless I go out because it's bad for your teeth. :p I don't remember what Mountain Dew tastes like, but I think it tastes like Sprite? Correct me if I'm wrong. Okay then, it's settled. ^^ I would never ignore you so if I don't respond it's because I'm busy. <3
    Haha, no problem! And yay I'm glad you like it, it's one of my favourites as well. c:
    No, unfortunately the host has to choose 3 items (for the three players who can come over). So if you host and only have one or two visitors, they will get random items and the unused ones go back to your rucksack. Honestly it's a pretty annoying system.

    And alright we'll give it a try. c: What's your farm/character name? I'm Amanda from Ordon.
    Sure, but if I host I will have to choose 3 items to gift so there will only be a 1/3 chance of you getting the apron (unfortunately I only have one atm). I can host and you can just let me know if you didn't get it and we'll try again? Unfortunately the trading in this game is lopsided. c;
    Aha, yes no worries! c: I'm stockpiling small lumber/twigs rn for decorations if you happen to have any, but otherwise whatever junk is fine. And I'll add you rn, would you like to host? c:
    I like Dr. Pepper the most, but Pepsi, Coca Cola are good as well. I think they taste the same though. Also Fanta is okay. Sprite is also okay as well. :p i don't want you to get dizzy from thinking too hard. Just call me Champ, everyone calls me that. <3 it's okay and yeah I guess there's someone perfect for everyone. ^^ It's okay you don't have to tell me if you feel uncomfortable. :) oh well hopefully you saw my message that I was sleeping, so have a good sleep okay? :3 I know you're asleep right now sorry I couldn't respond I have school tomorrow.

    No one has ever made me a sig before! I'm going to cry

    You're the best!
    GAHHH I want to use it so badly but I don't have enough room for 2 pictures in the sig! *saves it* IT'S PERFECT
    I have to get going now. It's time for bed ;u;

    Have a goodnight and sleep well! It's been great talking to you!
    Honestly, I'm surprised no one has said that to you before!

    I'm glad that I didn't sleep on time-- because if I did, we wouldn't have met. I love TBT for giving me the opportunity to meet so many genuinely wonderful people. I love this place and those silly Basement threads >U<

    The weirder, the better c;
    Aw, it's no problem. I'm just telling you the truth ^^ We met today, but I can already tell you're a really sweet and bubbly person. And since someone who was a stranger a few hours ago can notice that, everyone else can too. You deserve to feel good about yourself!

    I love weird. Weird is awesome! Can't wait to see it
    You are amusing and adorable! All your quirks make you a more likable person, and funny too, because they are so endearing. I have no idea how anyone could insult you. If they did, I'd probably rush in and hit them in the head with a really stale fish. (But seriously though I'd be angry)

    Cool, I'd love to see the sig! :D Thank you, Alee!
    You're funny in all the good ways! Laughing at yourself is really difficult, but think about like this: If you can laugh at yourself, no one has the power to make you feel upset. They will see you laughing along and their confusion will leave them speechless.

    I will catch all the ninjas lmao (Yes, I just saw your hidden message! Alee is a cute name too. I may have to call you that instead)
    Help me, I'm having trouble too. :/ I don't want to shock you or anything but I don't eat sweet stuff much. I do like soda though, and sometimes cake. Also fruit if that counts. Am I being personal right now, I can't tell. :p I see your evil plan, you want to extract information from me to come up with a nick name for me. ^^ Yeah I know you're smarter than that. <3 That sounds like a awesome fiancé where can I get one? :D What's too personal to ask? Okay I guess that was too personal. :p Oh wow, you never asked him why he's in prison? That was a random question. I'm fine how about you?
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