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  • I'm not sad at all. I'm laughing along with everyone! I'm just the kind of person who can laugh at myself the most ;D

    (lmao I love Pokemon tho) Both names are cute! I will call you Lolipup because it fits you so well
    Nooo, please don't feel bad. It's all in good fun!

    I agree! Oh, you can call me Dae, or Ash. Either one is fine. :) What can I call you?
    Aww, you ninjaing me is hilarious and I had a great time. No need to apologize!

    I'm good too. ^^ I should be asleep for work tomorrow, but I'm goofing off on TBT. This site is impossible to leavee
    Oh okay wow you are a genius Senpai. ^^ Thank you sweetie. Wow, total shocker that you don't. I feel like you're addicted to them. Okay well it's nice to know you are taking care of yourself. I wouldn't want my role model to have something awful happen to them. =^_^= Another shocker *gasp* I would never imagine with you with a terrifying person but if you're happy then it's all good. ^^ Oh wow, another friend with a sad story. I'm sorry to hear that. I guess it's too personal because I feel bad that I'm not sharing anything personal with you yet. :/ When and why does he get out of prison? Hopefully that's not too personal, you don't have to answer. I'm guessing he's been in prison for awhile now since you say that your fiancé is so patient. :p
    Ai ya now I got to keep going back and forth to your profile and mine because I forget what you said to me. Also copying and pasting my text over and over again because I can't remember anything. :/ You don't need to keep up with me if you don't want to, because I think this is going to happen a lot. :3 I guess she does it to annoy me. (She's doing a great job.) I guess I'm not adding enough creamer and sugar. No wonder your so sweet. Too be honest I don't know but I'm guessing it's bad. Do you have diabetes if that's not a too personal question to ask. Do you I'm concerned for your health my friend that's addicted to sweets. Please tell me if I'm being cheesy. >.< Thats really adorable that you sleep with a animal plushie. That just furthers my point of you being adorable. They need to change the definition of adorable in the dictionary to you. Your fiancé is also cute. Why haven't you married yet? o_O
    Sorry, if Myst stops writing long responses I will too. >.< I don't like coffee, it's not sweet enough and it has that burnt flavor. :/ That's kind of creepy to me because I don't feel secure with dolls watching me while I sleep. No offense to you though. :) Maybe you should take a break. Great I've just became friends with you and you get dizzy. That's not good. T_T
    Continued, I think you know what I mean I don't have to explain it to you. (Unlike Myst.) Okay I'm now really sorry for writing essays to you. Myst kind of gave me a habit. :( Wow I wrote the maximum amount of characters in one visitor message. :p
    It's okay, I'm really sweet like a lollipop so you don't have to feel bad. Just next time when someone friends you just accept it. :p Who doesn't like your personality? <3 By the way do you take caffeine? I know when people drink coffee or take caffeine they get super hypuh. Maybe it's from all the sweets you take. Oh wow, if you aren't super hyper right now then I can't imagine what you would be like when I get to know you. (Which will happen, eventually.) So I guess i need to prepare for the worst. Also jesus what's with you, Myst, my friend 2k, and me with these long posts? Yes, I don't. (Or do I?) It's just I don't you yet so I don't want to tell you my hobbies and what not. :c She didn't tell her name either. A great friend taught me the term quid pro quo. So I kind of live by it. Oh so you like voodoo dolls? Just kidding. That's nice to know. You're the first person I ever met who like stitch plushies. I don't mean Lilo and Stitch.
    It's okay, I was just helping you change your personality. Don't be shy. No one will judge you. <3 Also I don't really know what my personality is so you have to figure it out. Sorry. Hehe. :p Myst called me Kevin, but my name is not Kevin, so what does tell ya? >.<
    No you didn't word that wrong, never mind silly. I don't really have any nicknames. Don't ask Myst anything about me she'll just make up ridiculous things. I guess Rawrberry is alright, but you need to work on it. :) Find something cuter. Anyway oh, you mean the villager Stitches?
    I can't help to notice that you accepted my request that I sent a year ago. So I never needed to send another request. You just played me real good. +1 to you role model. Okay now let me respond to your message. :p
    I can eat your other hand? You just told me that I can't. :p Also what would you like to call me? You can call me anything except Kevin. Myst calls me that and it's really annoying. Tell her to stop it. I'll think about what you can call me and I'll get back to you. But I guess I want you to call me a name that has to do with something sweet, like your name and personality. (^_^.)
    (Sigh) okay okay! *lowers hand* You love snacks more than me </3
    It's 12 am and I want french toast now, omg. Thanks.

    IM SO PSYCHED NOW. I really wish tokyo ghoul re: could just be finished and be in anime form already.. I feel so impatient.
    I JUUUST NEED TO SEE KANEKI. YOu hate him more than me, so wanna do it together? :D
    Well.. I mean.. Well the question is.. Is Kaneki one person or mulitple people? MIND BLOWING QUESTION boom.
    I wish

    Hahaha I know. People are theorizing than some Kaneki is in Urie and I want to punch those people in the face. NO WAY would Kaneki be that annoying brat Urie Dx
    Hey, it's not my fault you rejected me the first time. I kinda lost hope in humanity after you rejected me. Just kidding. It's just that I feel like a bother if I friend you first. I want my role model to friend me. ^^
    Of course. The one and only adorable Lollipop (Curse autocorrect, Lolipup, oh my god I kept typing your username and it kept correcting me. I was going to say I kept typing you're actual name but I'm done with it correcting me. :mad:) has to use emojis. :p
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