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  • I know you do :\ That's why I like it when you're all hyper because you finally realize how amazing you are!
    OH GOD NO, IM NOT MEANT FOR DIGITAL ART OF ANY SORT O: hehe you're welcome though xD

    my sides? hm... well I... don't really know x.x Ok maybe a person has more than two sides xD
    It's not though, you're your own worst critic! I really like your editing, and I mean it. it's so cool, and I'd never be able to do that
    ALTHOUGH YES! But yes! I think your editing is more complex and neater now! :)

    I LIKE BOTH OF THEM *blushes* but that's okay! Everyone has two sides xD As sure as possible, my dear <3
    Oh, um... let me think... well, Jasper wants Evan because he thinks Evan will be easy to manipulate.

    But Shinohara will be smart and send someone else?
    be quiet, it's not trashy! Aww I remember when you used to have that sickly sweet sig w. the matching green avatar. You've improved sooo much though no kidding

    YOU KNOW I LIKED CONFIDENT ALEE A LOT. ehehhehe you were like "I'm intoxicatingly adorable" er something like that.
    That made me laugh hahaha BUT IT'S TRUE OF COURSE
    There's some people on here with their profile as Suzuya (WHY DO I KEEP SPELLING IT WRONG .-.) and I almost always think it's you.

    totallyhehehe<3 What stuff do you mean?
    OMG susuya juuzou, I'd be terrified.

    hehe I copied you and changed everything to Haiseee~ xD
    scratch that Kaneki Ken isn't available but Haise is... BUT I DON'T KNOW
    I want something to do w/ obviously tg. I checked the member list and it looks like neither Kaneki Ken, or Haise Sasaki is taken.. hmmm decisions decisions xD

    GOODMORNING!? WHAT it's like 6 pm right now >.< IM SCARED TO READ
    Hehe, it just is~

    Or do you not want me to be all teasing?~ Teasing is only a few steps down from creepy. ;)

    Okay! YES! FINALLY! I've been waiting sooo long for you to reply. >w<

    Oh, hm... well, you don't have to post for him if you don't want to~
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