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  • Hm... yeah, fainting is best. Poor Suzuya~

    Aww... um... I'll protect you from yourself!

    It's me and an old friend of mine talking and laughing about Spanish to practice for our oral and it's making me sad because I miss her so much.
    Oooh, I see. Well, passing out does seem reasonable since he has a mix of so many emotions going on.

    No, it hasn't! If anyone is telling you that, they're lying.

    omfg. I'm cleaning out my iTunes right now and I found voice recordings from two years ago and it's hurting my feels so much right now... >////<
    Your posts are always amazing! That's why.
    They make my posts look short in comparison too. ;w;
    Hm... okay~

    Oooh, alright~

    But like Evan won't let them go down without a fight. I just don't want him to get hurt. ;w;
    No worries!~

    Hm... okay. Sounds good.

    But Evan will stick to his guns because he doesn't want to disappoint Shinohara! ;w;
    Oh, um, okay! *runs to that thread*

    Oooh, really? Hm... you can make one if you want?

    Btw, um, what'll Charles do to Evan when he sees him with Jasper. (>.<)
    Ooooh, I see... well, he has no sense of humanity then. *shot*

    YAY! *hugs*

    Ooooh, ohmigosh, that sounds awesome.
    Oooh, okay~
    Hm... but, like, how can he show humanity? How?!

    I can't say it... ;w;

    omfg! YES! YES! Wait. If Jasper is going to be running off soon with Evan, will Charles come for Jasper? :eek:
    I'm waiting for you to post. heh.
    Evan wouldn't let him out but would Shinohara?~

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