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  • Gates are open! Town name is Clarity, and the pansies are in front of the bulletin board c:
    Alrighty, I'll open my gates once you've added my fc c:

    And that's alright; I apologize if I seemed rude in my comment yesterday..I just wasn't exactly in the best mood, and I was tired, so I'm sorry about that ;-;
    Hello! I'll be on rest of the day, so just let me know when you're available to come and pick up the pansies.
    An hour of cycling and no dice, she has to leave sometime! I got all of my original villagers out (8/10) and she refuses to leave! But I'll get her tomorrow.
    I'm gonna give up on Rosie for now. Holy crap. I'll message you sometime tomorrow if I get her in boxes, lol.
    Hey there, I can probably get you Rosie sometime tonight. I'd have to cycle my town. She's mostly original. If you're interested I can sell her for 75 TBT!
    Alrighty. One more thing I should add, his shirt and house aren't original. I think he also changed his catchphrase as well.
    Hello I saw your post in the forums and I just want to let you know I have Chester and I would love if you would adopt him when he pings me to move (not sure when he will do this but I will let you know when time comes). If you don't mind waiting?
    heyhey, the flowers you ordered are ready for pickup! Lemme know when you're ready. c:
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