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  • Hi! Ankha is now in boxes, so I was wondering if you were still interested, and if so, when you would like to pick her up c:
    Sorry was in the shower! I have added you! Let me know when you are ready! I will send you the TBT as soon as I arrive at your town ^o^
    Ahh, sorry for the late reply, was sorta busy. But yes, I'm fine with that, just let me know when you're available :)
    hi! i have 42 lucky clovers, and 54 rh starts if you're still interested! thought it'd be easier here for the notifs aha. just tell me if you want less or not :)
    No answer means you already got him and I can take you off the list? Thanks for answering
    I have marshal on auction, currently no one has bid but the starting bid is 50tbt. If you want to buyout him, it's 200tbt and I will try and get him in boxes straight after I sell stitches if you're intrested.
    Hi! You are lurking for Pietro on my cycling thead. He's now up for adoption and free. He is not original because I got him from someone's void.

    He'll be available on my thread in an hour. :)
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