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  • Also, the three gold roses in front of Erik's house are for you. Just a little gift.
    Gate to Koriko is now open. Erik's house will be to the top right of the map, the only house in that area.
    Switching cartridges. Will VM again when ready, which should be about three minutes (or less).
    Just received the TBT. Thanks. Gate to Besaid is open now.

    You may drop off the bells in front of the station and/or on the plaza just left of the station.
    Sure. Opening the gate to Besaid so you can drop off the 9 million bells. Please send the 300 TBT as well. After the bells are dropped off at Besaid, I will switch over right away to my cycling town (as with your towns, mine are on the same 3DS).
    Ah. Just read your reply to Maruchan. Seems you would have to do the 16 villager cycle in either town.

    We can trade now. Please send the TBT and drop off the bells in Besaid. I will open the gate there now after re-checking for your FC. When you are done in Besaid, I will then switch over to my cycling town, Koriko.

    Sorry to hear about Merengue. If you would like trying to retrieve her from the void first, I can reserve Erik for now. Or would you like to start the trade now?

    Does not look like anyone else is in a hurry to offer right now, especially since it is getting late for many members here, so you should be fine.

    By the way, when you do make space, please do not send the TBT yet until I have replied to you, as I might be offline at the time, and do not want you thinking I am being unresponsive.

    Just in case you miss it: replied to your offer in the Erik sale topic.

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