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  • Ill pay retail cause its faster
    Don't pick up the items it's so I can track how much I've spent :)
    Tia left without telling me :( I'm so sorry! if I get her in my new town, I'll be sure to give her to you. I'm still scrolling through maps.
    Sorry but I'd rather have you come to my town and pay there, since I'm busy and it will take shorter! You'll pay me using the Re-tail method, since it's the faster :)
    It's ok! You see I actually want you to have her because you look like you eally like her. The problem is, this other person wants her because is the dreamie of one of her friends and that friend lost her cat and her dog on a fire, apparently, and she wants Chief and Olivia because these two animals remind her of her pets. I don't know if it's true but just in case I'm going to wait a little longer and if in two hours that person doesn't answer me then I will sell her to you :) sorry if my English seems weird haha
    Hii ! Marshal is in boxes now :) same fc & I'll open gates so come whenever ~
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