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  • I'm afraid I'll have to give you your tbt back. The person who wanted pietro can't get him and I really wanna reset, I can't keep the other person waiting long.
    Just giving you the update that Sivia and I have 5 more visits to go and then I'll pay her. Then I'll open my gates for you~
    I'm not sure she is online. A lot of people are offline now. If she's online then you wouldn't have to do as many.
    I have an abd~ You don't have to build a bridge it's ok! This is going to take a while so that's why I'm offering you more than stated, plus its late
    I think you came before them IIRC. I'm just really overwhelmed with all of the offers. I was expecting nobody to bite
    Hi! I wanted to let you know that after Sviva I will have about 57, but one cancelled out on me and I am unsure about the others. I am more than happy to do as many as you want. Assuming you gave me the remaining 43, I could pay you 50 mil? Would that be good? I really wanted to get this done~
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