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  • If you are still interested in Rizzo he is moving out soon and I can tt him to boxes for you! PM me if you're interested!
    Omg... Excuse me... That was a really stupid question. I will be right over XD
    Tell me when your gates are open >.<
    What is the FC for Majora? The only Pave items that I'm interested in are the Couch and the Chair :) So if you have the chair I'll buy it :) THank you!
    Hi I have Rizzo moving, do you want him? Please reply me quick or he will go to void soon ><
    ah yes! pink roses are current priority. also, if you're available now i'd be happy to trade in 20 minutes-ish? i'm cleaning out my inventory. it's full of trash ;o;
    glad you like ^^
    ;o you think? maybe i'll make 50 TBT the base or something xD
    and, you're always welcome back~~
    your order is up! i changed the coloring of anhka a bit to my liking, leme know if you want me to just revert back to the original.
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