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  • Has she tried this method?
    I tried it, and I was able to get Avery out. He put up his house right in front of mine, and I still didn't know that the plot reset trick existed. I only had one dreamie back then so it wasn't much of a risk, but it worked! I did it a second time and got Papi out. I'm going to do it again today maybe. Make sure she reads the instructions VERY carefully before she tries it!
    Omg thank you, thank you for the vid. Ahhhhh, shes cute as hell. I love that video, LOL.

    *goes to watch again
    i just....****ing refreshed your profile like 20+ times - JUST TO FIND OUT I CAN'T EVEN LINK YOU THE GIF BECAUSE YOU RANDOMIZE IT. HAHAHAH <i fail>

    Anyways, it's the one with the white girl and black girl in plaid walking down the hallway w/ lockers ;D

    andddddd, i don't have wifi ;/ But I can direct connect with an ethernet cord, so I technically still have internet. I just can't do much without wifi, so that's why I've just been playing my MMO. (and because i love that damn game, lolol)
    ohohohoh, where is that gif from (in your sig.)??? I'VE SEEN IT EVERYWHERE, LOL. i want to watch itttt.
    I KNOW. RIGHT WHEN MY GET MY LAPTOP FIXED MY DAMN WIFI GOES OUT. Ugh, irritates the crap outta me. ;(

    Yeah im SO close to cycling 16 for Beau, I just. ...am so lazy for AC lately D; I hope I remember the date I last played because I will seriously quit if some on moves. LOL
    Oh, well then please concentrate on your finals! A little AC is good so you can relax a bit. Don't feel bad; I procrastinate too! Don't worry about ordering them. Carry on studying-playing. There's no rush! And thank you for being honest. ^^ Good luck, you can do it!!
    I havent been on AC in like a month ;/ I've been playing Elder Scrolls Online, its so amazing and beautiful! <3

    And omfg my wifi is totally out, I can't do jack **** even if could play AC!

    hihihihihiii, no I'm not. I'm at work ;( I haven't been on chat lately....I'm horrible T.T I've been playing an MMO lately, LOL. How are you though???? I miss you <3
    I'm glad you got Francine! Now your collection is complete hehe. omg you're so nice ;^; Let me pay; it's the least I can do! Yes, I'll be patient. Just take your time. You're probably busy! <3
    woah so you have Marina and Zucker? Lucky! Zucker is a cutie. Sometimes I wish there was room for more than 10 villagers. The struggle is real ;_; and it would be so nice of you to order them for me! Is 1.5m for both a reasonable price? You know, just in case you don't end up getting Francine from me.
    That's so perfect! They match nicely. I think you're the first person I've met that wants them as a pair.
    Let's set the price at 5m and the regal and rococo sets? If this is ok, then I'll reserve her for you. ^^
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