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  • It's this Obama care stuff. Everyone trying to make the deadline and drowning the internet.
    Ha. Yeah. Gotta get john to find out what wrong with my lap top while I'm at work so I'll send you a link when I get home. I'm having issues loading a page. Taking forever. On my phone ATM which is being kinda slow but nothing like the laptop is being.
    Could I come by your town? I'm available now :) Sorry again about that! D: Lmk what your town name is and when your gates are open and I'll come by ^^
    @__@ My apologies, I can't find Graham or Annalise. I have Tom if you're interested in him. If not, would you do just the yut board and pansy table for Rudy, Vladimir, and Bree?
    Got it! Are you able to trade now? c: If not it's fine, I can wait xD I just wanna make sure I have the right ones set aside lol
    I'm PST, so that will be around 2pm for me. I'll be on then :) if you could just remind me what pics you wanted xD
    YAY! We've missed you! I'm cycling right now : ) and chatting with Yooks and Pengu.
    Good! lol, such a coincidence I too have 3 towns now lol.

    Yes I found so many new villagers I fell in love with, Bud and Bangle are two :blush:

    I am doing good, main town is basically done. I did an HP theme on that one. Second town is WIP with all cats/felines. Don't know what to do with that.

    Life is okay, school, work the usual. What about you? How is school and life? :)
    You're so sweet! Do you need anything else? I can try to get some tomorrow! How are your towns coming along?
    Yes, I am! There's no need for you to give me any extras. I just need one! :3

    I'll add you and come over. Let me know when your gates are opened, okay? I should be on for a little while longer.
    Noooooo it's okay!! I'm not in a rush for her really! The town she is going into only has 2 spaces she can move into but those villagers are staying there ATM. For awhile actually. Lol.
    Actually any orange hybrids. I'm moving a villager out from my main town and moving in Bud today. This is a precaution in case he destroys some flowers lol.
    heyheyhey ^_^
    Guess what?! I'm getting a second copy of ACNL! I might cycle for a while so I'm gonna need your help and expertise ;D
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