azukitan Feb 27, 2014 No worries, take your time :3 And I'd prefer trading in your town, if that's okay.
azukitan Feb 27, 2014 Hey there! I saw your post in my thread. Do you want to trade your Hazel's pic for Mira's pic? c:
Dollieclaire Feb 27, 2014 Hey there, im ready for you to come by! Gates are open and the town is Nirvana ~
Dollieclaire Feb 26, 2014 Hey there! certainly, im just getting another trade out of the way, so give me like 10 and I'll let you know when the gates are open!
Hey there! certainly, im just getting another trade out of the way, so give me like 10 and I'll let you know when the gates are open!
Dollieclaire Feb 26, 2014 Omg Bamboo grass is like the number one on my list I cant believe you're being so nice! If there's anything I can do for you, do let me know?
Omg Bamboo grass is like the number one on my list I cant believe you're being so nice! If there's anything I can do for you, do let me know?
Dollieclaire Feb 26, 2014 No worries! I'll be looking for open gates! Thank you so much for this, you've saved me so many bells ;u; I appreciate it so much!
No worries! I'll be looking for open gates! Thank you so much for this, you've saved me so many bells ;u; I appreciate it so much!
Dollieclaire Feb 26, 2014 Hey there! I'm ready to come get the DLC's :3 What town am i coming to first?
Psydye Feb 25, 2014 I made an account at's an option there, for signature, from there you should be able to figure it out. I'd be more helpful but sadly I forgot myself, all the steps. Anyways hope that helps. =]
I made an account at's an option there, for signature, from there you should be able to figure it out. I'd be more helpful but sadly I forgot myself, all the steps. Anyways hope that helps. =]