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  • I'm ready whenever you are! Just let me know if I should open gates or if you'd like me to go to your town ^^
    I'm online now, and ready to trade whenever you are :3 I have a bunch of chores to do so I'll be checking the forum every 10-15 minutes or so! ^-^
    Actually, I'm PST so I'll be heading into work right around then ^^; I'm totally not in a hurry for it though- I remember how hellish college was so I understand that kind of busy-ness. Weekdays, I'm usually available 4pm-11pm PST. Hopefully we can coordinate something soon! <3
    Hello! Just wondering if you were able to find the princess curio? If not, I'm still interested in the cicada stereo and princess lamp (don't mean to pressure you! sorry ^^ I was just doing some furniture rearranging and remembered right now ) <3
    Nah, it's fine *dances*
    ok why am I dancing I should sleep
    ok I will pm/vm you when I'm back tomorrow~~ :3
    dammit I was about to comment again, ahah
    I can always hold Leo until tomorrow if you could make space after getting cyrano in ok~
    I'm looking for Gorgeous chest, lamp x2, seat, stool - so that means you have all except the lamps c: Perhaps another counter would be great! :D I think 1 mil would be enough to cover it all?
    Awwwh, you don't sound greedy at all! I'd love to pay that :D It's a fair price! Let me know what the total will be ^_^
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