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  • Hi! Who are those people in ur avatar gif??

    My curiousity is bothering the crap out of me sorry haha :p
    GHGHAHWDHGHJ Oh nooooooooooo that's okay I still really appreciate you coming to me ;v; and I really appreciate you keeping an eye out for any of my dreamies, really. If there's something I can do for you in return, let me know!!
    OMG Yes yes YES!! I would absolutely love her ;__; I can't believe somebody saw my message - I'm actually messing around on Animal Crossing right now, so if you want we can trade friend codes and make this happen
    No, you have an awesome day~ being so kind and cycling. I understand it takes up so much time! Take care :)
    I just saw in your cycling post about your brother, super random but I hope his surgery goes well <3
    ;*( Aweeee, don't stress so much! School is school, just something you have to get over T.T *hugsmore*
    I'm free from school for a few months now, then I start university in september omg so excited ^_^ but I know I'll have loads of work ahaha
    things are going good-ish, irl is meh atm ;-; how about you? my villagers say hi btw<3 Cole keeps mentioning your town ahha
    YES, THEY DO HAVE DIFFERENT PLOTS/STORIES. LOL <3 BUT AHHH, THEY'RE JUST SO FREAKEN WIERD AND CREEPY AND GROSS. AWEEE, yay!! I'll try getting online too <3 And if we're both online later tonight, you and your momma can come over <33333
    I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY CHATZY IS LIKE THAT FOR YOU T.T *CRIES* And huhhhh??? You watched season 2, but you're on season 1 currently? LOL, you're a dork <33333 LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU AND YOUR MOM WANT TO COME TO MY TOWN!!!
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