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  • Majora! Thats a really cute name actually XD I really like the zoras too. They are so pretty in twilight princess :D
    I actually just looked at my WW yesterday! It was very... dead XD I played CF so much more then WW though. :O
    Also your username made me look up the new zelda game coming out on the 3ds. THEY HAVE A LIMITED ADDITION 3DSXL BUNDLE AND IT LOOKS SUPER COOL.
    Aughh I wish Ganondorf was in the new game. (atleast I dont think he is..?) I know most people don't like him but hes my favorite character... haha XD
    Haha nahhh, I think I may have her on my city folk. I try to get villagers I don't have just to mix things up a bit. :)
    I have broffina in my campsite right now... A CHICKEN WEARING LIPSTICK
    Really? That's awesome :)
    LOL the anteaters look so cute <3 I wanted Antonio, but I wanted only one of each personality...
    And Ribbot is a robot
    and robots are super cool. So now I want Ribbot. XD
    For my peppy villager I couldn't decide between Flora or Anabelle, but I dont think Anabelle has a super cute fluffy tail.
    LOL haha if pets count then my first villager was a bug I kept in a jar.
    I'm kinda on and off about dreamies, one minute I want them, the next I find a better one. xD Or ones that I like TURN OUT TO BE SO SUPER POPULAR UGH.
    Decided I would write down ones I want so I would stop filling up my town with villagers I don't want minutes later. v.v Im looking out for Punchy right now.
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