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  • Ohh no no, not at all! These things happen, please don't feel bad about it :(
    Like I said, I can wait :D Take your time <3
    When this is done, please allow me to draw something for you ;w; Don't know if you care for my art style, but I'd really want to!
    Aww, thank you so much! ;_; This is incredibly sweet of you, really. You don't have to feel pressured to get it asap! I'm okay with waiting, since I cycle with my other town anyway.
    Ohh no! :( I'm so sorry it happened to you, it's weird indeed! And are you alright with resetting? D: That's mighty sweet of you to do that ;__; But you don't have to, because I know it's tiring
    Someone suggested having bodyguards to defend my potato self. Can you be a bodyguard, lol?
    Great! You'll be getting Skye from my Rainbow town, but I'll be collecting Beau from my Feesh town.
    But you can just add my FC :D You can collect Skye first. I'll let you know when the gates are opened!
    Lmao! Oh, you're right. I wish I was anime :( But Bubbles look so cute on the picture.. So happy!
    Ah. I use the forward 2 back 2 method and it works out pretty well for me. Never lost a villager that way, and not much damage done to town aside from a weed here and there. I can usually get someone out in 20 minutes that way.
    If my mom would ever let me get a second copy of the game I'd be more than happy to cycle with you!
    It's so random and hilarious. The avatar makes it funnier. :)

    Do you have anyone in boxes ATM?
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