Aww, thank you so much! ;_; This is incredibly sweet of you, really. You don't have to feel pressured to get it asap! I'm okay with waiting, since I cycle with my other town anyway.
Ohh no! I'm so sorry it happened to you, it's weird indeed! And are you alright with resetting? D: That's mighty sweet of you to do that ;__; But you don't have to, because I know it's tiring
Great! You'll be getting Skye from my Rainbow town, but I'll be collecting Beau from my Feesh town.
But you can just add my FC You can collect Skye first. I'll let you know when the gates are opened!
Ah. I use the forward 2 back 2 method and it works out pretty well for me. Never lost a villager that way, and not much damage done to town aside from a weed here and there. I can usually get someone out in 20 minutes that way.
If my mom would ever let me get a second copy of the game I'd be more than happy to cycle with you!