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  • Ooh. What type of video game?

    It The project I thought I did ally by myself wasn't done all by myself. I forgot some stuff, and my friend who was home sick luckily saw she had to do something. The other person did nothing, and my friend and I are still deciding what to do. She didn't even help present or even edit it! All she did was MADE it a powerpoint because she wouldn't do anything else.

    And I still can't think of a username, but it will get changed! >:D
    I'm sorry, I was busy with school yesterday then when I finally had free time to come on my wifi was acting up. :c But I'm available now to pick up Francine & should be for the rest of the night! ^^
    I say that sometimes to see if youll get mad and it never works xD
    ... no :( the sweet and kind and ahhhhhh nvm :(

    you're still so cute *A* :)
    Just wait. I literally have a word document filled with them. That's how crazy I am.
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