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  • Yeah, I was referring to the eggs since I'm not sure I'll be able to afford all the ones I want yet... I'm just as stumped as you are on most of the hints! Very glad the egg decorating contest exists to ensure a few more. By the way, I'm a fan of the new shop fonts, it makes things alot more clear.
    Hi Jared, will you be stocking any of the new collectibles in your shop by any chance?
    Thanks so much! Please confirm that I've sent everything correctly? Using my lovely phone lol :')
    Oh ok! I'll definitely take some time to think about it, and will let you know as soon as I make my decision. c: Thanks!
    Ah ok! Let's see. I have everything except the Kirby egg from your wanted items (was part of the deal for the love ball). How much for everything? I sold you the kaleidoclover for 2.8k out of the 5.5k promised, and if we minus the Kirby egg how much would the total be?
    Though I do enjoy chocolate cakes, the bells you see in my sidebar are all that I own :< I don't exactly have the bells to afford em and I don't really want to trade my mushrooms (after all, they got all the puns on them :>)
    No worries! If it's okay with you, I'll put the items up for sale as I really need to build my tbt back up? And what am I investing exactly?
    i just want to say that your posts are always so friendly and polite, and i really appreciate that. have a good day. c:
    GAH sorry I forgot to reply to this! How does it work exactly?

    Also, any updates on the buyout? c:
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