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  • Haha, they are a truly good secret gifter for sure!
    Happy they received it though, that way I have extended my thanks somehow.. :)
    Today has been good. I added you because we have a lot in common. Just check my About Me page to see what I mean.
    Thanks so much! You were a huge help letting me sell to you. Please let me know as soon as you'd like the rest? :)
    Is "my very dear & sweet friend" a reference or just what you say to everyone? :p
    I don't browse the forum too much, but I'll let you know if I find anyone needing it!
    I based that quote after a quote that sums up the Star Wars prequels, as said by Master Yoda. That’s exactly what happened to Venezuela, and it’s gaining popularity in America. So that quote will stay.
    I’m thinking about putting this quote in my signature. What would you think?

    “Socialism is the path to the dark side. Socialism leads to communism. Communism leads to totalitarianism. Totalitarianism leads to tyranny.”
    Yooooooo, how much of a discount can I get on your rad feather �� or I can trade for stuff
    Hi Jared, thanks very much for buying my collectibles! I did the calculations and I got to 825 TBT instead of 725 TBT. Could you please check you calculated correctly? Nevertheless I will send the collectibles now
    Sure that's doable! I'm still thinking about a big sell-out, but if I ever need to for a love ball, I'll definitely come your way thanks! :)
    No worries! I understand where you're coming from. While I still think it's a bit low, I'll definitely keep this in mind thank you :)
    Lol sorry, that was my fault, it was a late edit. I'm seeing around that the kaleidoclover itself could be worth around 3k+, and including the eggs and blue flowers I was hoping for a bit more maybe? What do you think? :eek:
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