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  • Haha sorry, Ive been very busy at university so havent been on TBT loads recently. Whenever Ive been on i fell asleep and forget to reply. Im not looking to sell anything particularly atm I'm afraid but ill let you know if I change my mind!
    hey, thanks for letting me know! i just read through it and it looks really good overall. i really like the formal & professional wording you use as well :)
    like you said, the 5% fee sounds really fair, and it'll help to compensate you for your time which i fully support! the only thing i noticed is that it might be "an alike collectible" instead of "a alike collectible" but i'm genuinely not sure which one is correct? lol
    either way it looks wonderful! i will let you know if i see anything else, thanks again for contacting me :)
    I'm fairly sure that Blue Feather I traded for the Chao Easter Egg was from 2016. Maybe you could ask to buy it back from Monkey D Luffy?
    Hi there! I'm actually hoping to get Lobo next to Lucky so I'm looking for a date after 10/22/2018 when I bought Coco. I know you get new stuff in frequently so I'm always checking your shop. :)
    Hi ... silly me made my gold mailbox inactive :blush:
    Fixed it now ... I am dashing out for a mtg but will be back online in three hours
    Thanks again ... sorry for being unavailable
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