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  • hey sorry about that. my inbox its clean now lol, about the collectibles, i'm not really interested in selling any of them.
    Oh hey there my good pal! You managed to conjure up a 6th Green Candy...? Amazing!
    How could I left that lonely one behind XD I'll take all 6 then.
    Gimme a moment to send them cold hard TBT your way~~
    Thank you, I'll keep that in mind! I'll have to poke around if I feel like spending bells and see what there is. Have a good night!
    Sounds good, do you want yours to say anything? If you could, could have mine say 'In Darkest night'?
    You managed to get some? That's great! I changed my line up to show off some new collectables (still waiting on my snowflake though :/)
    How do I check the date?
    Oh fantastic! Haha I’ve been following your thread to see when you finally get it all set up the way you want haha
    Just curious, what are you going to do once you finish your dream lineup?? Continue selling collectibles? :)
    No that's alright, I don't care if my houses are in order. Besides, my teal and dark blue ones were generous gifts so I'd prefer to keep them. c:
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