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  • Hey thanks for getting back to me about the mitten!!! I think I’m going to pass on I though. Thanks so much! :)
    I actually already own one, but I appreciate you telling me! Merry Christmas to you as well friend, and I hope you sell that beauty quickly. :)
    My husband was very surprised & very happy with his December Birthstone collectible! I couldn't have given it to him without your help. Thank you again! Happy Holidays, my friend!
    Is there any particular feedback of which you are wanting? For example, particular areas in your town?
    Thank you for the reply and suggestion. I am looking forward to visiting you and your town in my dreams haha
    Hi there! I wanted to tell I love the photographs in your signature! From those photographs alone, I can tell your town must be very lovely!
    Oh, hey! Sorry I haven't gotten back to you...been a busy week. Anyways, no, I couldn't get anything to work. I'll try to go really in-depth with it after the holidays.

    Appreciate you trying to help me fix it, though! :)
    It sounds like your girlfriend & you will have a lovely time! I'm so happy it's a good thing! With the holidays it's a busy time for all of us but it's busy in a good way. I'm looking forward to coming by. You're right - we'll figure it out. :)
    I hope whatever has come up is something good & not bad. (I also hope you did great on your very last final EVER!) We'll figure out a time when we're both available. No worries & no rush. You're welcome for the lights! I just wanted to thank you for being so kind. I'm going to answer 1 PM and then I'm off to bed. Goodnight, my friend!
    You're very kind & understanding. I'm blessed to have you as a friend. I hopped on here to check for PMs but then I'm heading to bed. I hope we can find time to have me come by in the next couple of days. Thank you so very much!
    I still feel bad & really do want to come see your town. I didn't realize tonight was the night we had agreed to watch the movie.
    I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask for a rain check. I'm waiting to run to another town to pick up a few items but then I'm hopping off the watch a Christmas movie with my hubby & son. I'm so sorry!
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