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  • Hi, thanks for checking with me about Lobo! I'm considering getting him because, as you noticed, I'm mostly collecting the villager collectibles, but he's not high on my priority list right now. I spent too much TBT before Halloween and wasn't able to buy Jack in time. Had to get him from someone else. So I'm sort of waiting right now to see what comes out for Christmas before I do anymore big spending. But if I do decide to pick up Lobo, I'll definitely check out your shop. Thanks!
    oh thats very cool we have also been through a bunch of curriculums we are currently part of Seton, i have also been to many homeschooling groups!
    yep im in 9th grade at the moment and all of my older sibs have been through 12 years of home schooling as well. may i ask what course you used?
    Hello i read your Christian? i am also, i have been home schooled in a catholic society for all my life, good to know that there are people out there like you!
    I know exactly what you mean. I have one more exam due tomorrow, and then I'm done! Can't wait to be done with college myself. I have 2 more semesters!
    Yes, thank you ... I thought it would be majorly difficult lol :rolleyes:
    I’m putting myself to bed now ... it’s 2:20 AM here
    Thanks again
    :D ZZZZzzzzz
    That’s my favourite part! ❤️
    If you looked at my new art I was hoping to get a little animation of a thought bubble on What Sould I Draw Next
    I made one but it needs to be uploaded as a video so it’s unsuitable
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