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  • Oh, I haven't talked to her either D: I barely got back on here, I was kinda on hiatus D: Have you talked to her? Yeah, she was a perfect friend <3 So were you!

    Aww yay!! Thank you so much Matty! Just let me know whenever, no rush. ^_^ Yay, now I can talk to you even when on mobile, hehe.
    Yeah! It's been a while D: How are you?

    Ah, I haven't even played my AC since forever hehe, but I'll definitely join your chat whenever I get on my laptop, hopefully I catch you online! ^_^ I usually use my phone to go on here though >o<
    *nag, nag, nag* When do you have time to help me with getting the paintings and sculptures?
    Cleared by box. Whenever you have the chance I can open my town, or if you want me to visit I can do that too.
    Oh how could I forget you. You were always so sweet and kind! You're one of my only friends on this site, so forgetting you would be.. bad.
    And if you need help, I'm here for you, too! ^o^
    Nah, I don't think I should make another account, sorry xc

    It's open ! Wait, going onto my other character cx
    I actually forgot my Skype a longgg time ago xc

    That's actually a really good idea :eek: I'll do that now! cx

    Haven't you noticed how barren it is though? :eek:
    Can you get on so we could play then? ^^

    That's fine ^^ it's nice enough that you got me like 75% of my Wishlist cx

    I was thinking of putting hem in rooms, but first I'm going to have to move all my kitchen stuff downstairs and expand a bit more D:
    I think those items will be there for a while.. xD Do you have a toy hammer? I need one for an order.. sorry if it's too much to ask c:
    Ehe, sorry about my friends being total idiots.. xD Want to play again later on to get to know each other better? ^^
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