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  • Seriously you're never online on skype anymore :p You still on the forums much then?
    Hehe, thanks. :)
    Yeah, I'm still here. I do cycling and stuff, but that's about it.
    How could I ever forget about someone that has been so kind to me?
    Yes, we should spend more time together. :3
    failure? it was not ! I really enjoyed it though! ~

    and sure thing! just message me when you want me to come by!~
    Where have you been? Are you hardly going online so you can hide from me? *tears.

    Haha, just kidding.

    Are you still in Florida? :D I went to Korea, a couple of weeks ago. Super cold! I was so glad to be out of this hot, humid island.

    What have you been doing Matt? And I am glad that I am still your favorite teacher. ;D

    Aww! :') I'm glad we've finally become friends. You're such an inspiration Matty!
    Don't say that! Of course you're a help. And even if you've been busy, everyone knows how much good deeds you've done. ^_^
    You say the nicest sweetest things!
    Why, of course! A lot of people knows you ~ and they know how much help you give to other people! Just like how I felt. ^_^ Hehe, you still are. And wah! Of course everyone would notice! And aww, just so nice of you for having that as a reason. :) And yeah, all I really ask from you is this wonderful friendship :D And that I hope I can be of help to you as well <3

    It's okay, we shall overcome this [ darn ] timezone! >: Hahaha, so it seems. I've met quite a lot of people online from UK. Kind of sucks :( It's like all my meant to be's are in UK.
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