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    Sorry to hear you don't play any longer. I still enjoy playing ACNL everyday. I will probably play it for at least a full year (I never did catch a tarantula).
    You don't have to worry about my wish list. I sent it to you and my Japan friend, so she would know what I didn't have. You have done sooooo much for me and you don't have to do any more.
    Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
    Aw, thank you for the kind offer. :)
    You maaayyy have some competition with me? I wanted to try something, but I'm not so sure now. XD
    Well Toy Day is coming up! *throws some inspiration to play again in your face*
    Ugh. r00d people suck. </3 You don't deserve to bump into them. Let me handle them. *cracks knuckles*
    That sounds sad. But I can't forget you either! You're too kind. <3
    Oh wow! We were both fairly new anyways. I joined, but never really got active until around the time that thread came about.
    But you're too kind. <3
    Summer Santa, eh? What about winter? Gonna save up until Summer or..?
    Oh God.. I remember that. x_x
    But all the answers were helpful! I was happy someone even replied, so I appreciated everyone's reply - even if it didn't help. <3
    Don't feel bad. :3
    You can close and reopen it yourself. ^_^
    And me? a mod? Pfft.. I don't have the skills. But I'm flattered. <3
    Anyways, how are you these days?
    I just ordered off your cataglog. thread the snowman and the ice set. and the other items ski-slope wall
    daisy meadow floor
    ski-slope floor
    fancy frame
    festive wreath
    small igloo
    regal table
    hey! im trying to make my room a winter wonderland this christmas and i was wondering if you have any of the items below?

    ski-slope wall
    daisy meadow floor
    ski-slope floor
    fancy frame
    festive wreath
    small igloo
    And I missed you as well :(

    Of course I'd know you well, we got so close so quick!

    Ah! So sorry for long messages ;o; somehow always ends up like this ><
    HAHAHAHAHAHA! You know Black Friday so well! Omg, yes. Cheap stuff at discounted prices. That's probably why I don't even have the motivation to shop during Black Friday -_- Nothing I want D; I thought I was being too picky, but thanks to you ~ you cleared my misunderstanding, haha. And so sorry, I went on the chat, checking if you'd be on, but I never caught you online Dx And everyone were talking, and I didn't wanna butt in, haha. We can still chat here. ^_^

    Oh it was a chrome book? Aww I'm sorry you ended up not liking your dream computer ;x; hope you find a better one soon! <3 I hope your refund goes smoothly ~ ~ ~
    You mentioned it on the chat! XD I was so excited for you, haha. I was thinking, "almost Tuesday! Matt is gonna get his laptop" xD wah?! Returning it so soon? And yup, I was busy as well with thanksgiving. Did you get anything from Black Friday shopping? So many good deals D: it always go crazy so I ended up going late, getting the left-overs ToT
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