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  • Ooh, no need to give me such a title!

    I've just been frying my brain all day trying to reset for Lolly, and currently just got Diana so I can trade her for Lolly ;---;... Even though Diana's more expensive, this hunt is so tedious, graah!
    Hey Summer Santa!! By any chance you will have a spare Snowman set? I'm willing you pay you bells or hybrids for the items =)
    Hi! You said you'd help me with my garden items, right? I feel bad for not being able to give you anything. Is there something I could do for you in return? Oh, and I just read the comments below... Anyone who likes Blaire is OK by me!
    :D at least you know that she is moving in, no weird glitch or anything. I am glad that you got your last dream villager (you got Camofrog, right?)
    congrats on finally getting Blaire, you deserve her after all the sets and items you have given people for nothing in return. Lets say Blaire is a big thank you from everyone who has gotten something from you.
    Mattttttt!! Found a Blaire thread :D But do you have space? If not, I can TT out some villagers I don't like and hold her for you until you do :3 (or maybe you already have her o_O)
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