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  • Aww that really sucks! At least you will hopefully get her this time Dx
    If you have a bamboo grass that's all I'm looking for, but I really don't expect much :3
    Yes I'm the one giving you blaire should get her out soon ^^

    Oo and btw I ment JST I am 1 and 1/2 hours in front of JST xD
    your imbox is full .-. here is what it contained >

    title- BLAIREBLAIREBLARIE :D 5:30pm JMT time tonight!!!

    :D person ^ giving you Blaire for 5 million plus weeding day set, He said that they will get her out by/ish 5:30pm JMT time (i have no idea what JMT is, hopefully you do though) :D

    *throws party because they seem legit not like "insert candy name" PARYT*

    lets hope you get her!!!
    Aw, thank you so much! That's really sweet of you. I'm really not that much of a good person though ;^; I love helping people out alot, but I can be really horrible if I'm being treated badly lol, but thank you once again!! You're beyond nice i swear. haha!

    Oh man, it's no problem! It was really great talking to you, I usually stay up late anyways, so it's no big deal! I used to sleep around midnight and wake up around 11am, but my sleeping patterns changed since I went on holiday haha, i'm a real night owl now, I have really bad circles under my eyes now, it sucks T^T

    Yeah! Aslong as both players are online at the same time, you can get their third pokemon without them being online the next time, which is cool! I'll be going to bed now, but it was really nice meeting you, just add me on skype and i'll accept you! Bear in mind, I'm not on skype often. I use Trillian alot more with my MSN account! So, if you have that, let me know! G'night!~
    Oh, wow! Thank you so much, you're so nice to me ;w;
    That's okay, I also talk alot too, i'm usually quite shy though haha. I do have skype! my username is "cultparties". (Please dont judge me lmao, I'm just really into japanese fashion and cult party is one of my favourite looks!)

    I'd like to be friends with you too! But I can't speak with you right now, maybe tomorrow? Its 3:25AM right now for me haha. I'll probably wake up around 1PM too, i'm real lazy!! It's not desperate haha, it's quite cute actually! I don't really have many people who want to be friends with me lmao, its great though!

    I'm also the same as you! I think I'd get along with you well too, how awesome! Oh man, all these compliments, im not used to it haha! /)w(\ It's really nice of you to give me so much nice comments when I only helped you out! I really do appreciate it, I'm glad i met you too haha, It was worth coming back on TBF!
    omg, it's okay! Actually, I typed 200 more characters in the message involving TTing so I shortened it so I didnt seem so creepy talking so much LOL! This is my first time actually having a conversation with someone on here that's not just a "hey, can i add you for <whatever> please?" "yeah sure!" thing haha. So we're both pretty special huh? haha!

    Aw man, it's nothing really! I'm honestly glad I could help you out, good job you didn't give up hope! I actually haven't been viewing the thread in a few days cos I wasn't getting any messages, so luckily I just happened to view, yay! You're too much complimenting me though, haha! makes me blush /)w(\ *hugs back* that's super sweet of ya!

    Oh hey, that's pretty good! omg, I didn't think people could find such useful ones in my safari, so lucky! I'm glad I could help! I just capture pokemon and not care about the natures and stuff lol. Thanks for the friend request btw, really appreciate it! <3
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