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  • "Count the age, not the wrinkles you have. Count the blessings and wonderful experiences you’ve had, not the mistakes you’ve made."
    Happy Birthday!
    LOL, you make me laugh sometimes. Especially with that last sentence but yes I'll try my best B). I'll also keep you updated, but if I ever sound annoying to you about these things let me know ASAP! I don't wanna sound needy.

    You're a greedy little one, but it makes up with your kindness, ha. And how did you get free DS games do you work somewhere or did someone give them to you because I have to say I am a tad bit jealous!! As well as for Skype feel free to talk to me or I might as well talk to you. I actually used to be one of those people who think like that xD but other than that I will send you messages once in a while o3o
    Can I have your whole game then, haha jk. I do have a Skype so add me my username is d33rling also I'm going to put my kik in too just incase you have one as well. It's bemybathbomb lol ok sorry my usernames are weird, i know they are!

    And oh about him, we are actually really close now but he's too shy and clueless so when I try to make a move on him it turns out awkward D: so that's how it is on there. Though to be honest he's the one who starts the conversation first so does that account for anything?

    Lol ily though have a good rest of your day. Also, I apologize I responded really late because school and finals week been crazy!
    I love your signature and avatar ^^ What anime is it from if you don't mind me asking :)
    yes yes all is well, how have you been?!
    but yeah apparently i'd been using my phone and skype isn't mobile friendly :[
    ah! i wonder what's happened to her, i hope everything's okay.. i had her on tumblr and skype but i don't see her online anymore, ever.
    and ooh how fun! :D what's your kik? O:

    aw that's so sweet of you, hopefully i can go on my skype and receive messages because it's been so messed up for a while D:
    wah i didn't even realize you messaged me! and sorry i've been yellow bc most likely i'm on phone -A- and i've been off skype bc i stayed over at relative's house like whole december and they didn't have internet and i had to load off their neighbor's and it was still **** OTL
    Ahh, thank-you~ I don't really play anymore, but you're so kind! ♥ You're really dedicated to all of that :eek:
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