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  • Looks, eh?
    Well what do you think about no make up? I like to keep it natural but I'm not sure if anyone would like that. What's your advice on it? It would be a miracle of he'd like me, tbh I have a whole secret to tell you :eek: the thing is that well, I have this "friend" she has this attitude but she's still nice to me :) and I think she's crushing on the same guy as me but I don't want to ruin our friendship so I don't really want to step up my game but I really LOVED him since day 1. I know that doesn't make me any better but it breaks my heart ;w;. How's your love life going anywho?
    Haha yeah soooo sorry for scaring you, that wasn't my intention!!! X) I was curious about you tooooo wondering whatcha been up to!

    And no ahhhh I do you not have a boyfriend which is really unfortunate on my part since I kind of want one because I want to get in a relationship with someone if you know what I mean? But I am crushing on someone, we don't really talk much but I would like to get to know him more although whenever I see him around I get shy just look away :c so I need advice on pretty much getting a guy's attention if you can handle that :D
    Omg I'm so sorry D:
    I think I was high or something (not drugs// alcohol) xD I really don't know what happened but I had a huge hangover :( my head had hurt so bad :p but hey at least it's nice to talk to you again to the least :D!!! But hey your right on time; I actually do need relationship advice (shhhh) and Its embarrassing enough to just talk about it >~< but yeah hello again c;
    [part 4 don't read lol I'm like literally spamming u]
    btw did u replace me with like a blonde bimbo since when did that happen
    I just realized other ppl call u matty so when I call u that it doesn't make it special. frick. I shall call u matti with an "i" haahahahahahah

    btw don't u dare ignore me omfg. I'm on invisible mode so I may be online and U may not even know ouo
    Part 2 DONT READ THIS YET U ***
    Also uhm happy late thanks giving yeah... I know I'm kind of loud right now [not my normal self] but it's been too long ahaha

    How could you leave me just like that; lol jk I think i was the one who left u. In like friend terms. I've honestly been meaning to message you but school has taken over my life in the finals are just killing me right now damn. You've been there through thick & thin. Lots of layers our friendship has been through. Kinda like cake ._. ANYWYAS; U PROMISED TO BUMP ME A COUPLE TIMES U LIAR. ;-; it's been too long and I miss YA man ur like the brother I never had also I need relationship advice since ur a guy and allllllll, yea :)
    Ohh lol, I see! I ended up having to make a new account thanks to Microsoft wanting to make it complicated in getting my old one back (and my lovely laptop having an upgrade yay! ~.~) hahaha. For some reason I can't access my new account on my laptop (a Windows 8.1), but I can on my phone. But the phone app won't even let me add any contacts. So is it okay if you add me? Hopefully you'll appear in my contacts then! My name is honeyandgold.
    Btw, you wouldn't happen to have a kik, would you? I'm mostly on there c: buuuut I guess I'll be on Skype now too lol.

    Anything? Whoa um.. hmm... I think by the time my mind is made up, we'll be on Skype!
    yay! i'll go on right now and add you ^_^ and thank you for telling me! ahh that's so creepy ;o; i hope your friend got through that okay. or did she end up making a new account?

    i play pokemon! :D what games do you have? what other games do you play?! more than helping, i want to play together!! :D

    aww i'm sorry i'm no help, i'll see if she still goes on skype, maybe she's just on invisible :eek: i also have her on kik, i'll check if she still goes on anywhere!
    and aw you're just so sweet :') i'm always here for you!
    I'm glad! I just knew it would be the perfect virtual hug!
    And yes we shall! It's nice knowing how the other basically feels lmao! That would be great! xD

    D'awww watching anime is something I'm getting used to,
    and watching it with someone who enjoys it too is just as awesome B)

    Whoa Skype *wipes and blows off dust* coughcough wow, I haven't used Skype in so long!
    If I can remember my log in info, absolutely!
    hey! yes it's ok. i'm still here :) just let me know anytime when you are ready! btw, your sig is cute <3
    Oh sorry xD Matt it is then! My name's Tiff btw c: Ahh, consider me a half-and-half on crazy and subtle muahahaha!
    Ohhh lol my avatar ;-; everyone on TBT bashes it because I'm at a weird angle (it's just me lying down) and even had a comment about my lips doing a "duck-face" (it's how they are ;-; ) lmao! But I'm glad you like it, thanks!
    The show is getting better btw! I... I think I'm addicted now o; hahaha
    Guuuhh yeah I'm sick too xD I was feeling achey yesterday and the day before, but slowly improving. Unfortunately my manager needs all the help she can get, and me going home early today was the only real chance for rest. Are you at least improving too? o:

    You're too sweet to handle ;-; lol
    You shall get your hug :D I shall send it right away!
    As for the return... what is there? o:
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