Oh sorry xD Matt it is then! My name's Tiff btw c: Ahh, consider me a half-and-half on crazy and subtle muahahaha!
Ohhh lol my avatar ;-; everyone on TBT bashes it because I'm at a weird angle (it's just me lying down) and even had a comment about my lips doing a "duck-face" (it's how they are ;-; ) lmao! But I'm glad you like it, thanks!
The show is getting better btw! I... I think I'm addicted now o; hahaha
Guuuhh yeah I'm sick too xD I was feeling achey yesterday and the day before, but slowly improving. Unfortunately my manager needs all the help she can get, and me going home early today was the only real chance for rest. Are you at least improving too? o:
You're too sweet to handle ;-; lol
You shall get your hug

I shall send it right away!
As for the return... what is there? o: