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    Oh my gosh. *Dies* Yeah, a friend of mine drew my old signature. LOL XD.

    Oh man. You're a silly bunny ^^

    Ooh Florida! Is there alligators walking around? Haha. How's the weather there right now?
    Pervy. :3

    No, I didn't get to press my boobs against him! Oh, how I wish. XD

    Tom Hiddleton dressed as Loki for the panel for Thor and he asked the crowd: "What do you want!?" I screamed YOU. And when he told people to kneel before him, I gratefully did. Hahahaha.

    Other than thaaaaaaat, I wanted to know, where you from? Lol. What's your time zone?
    Well, I didn't want to expose the Summer Santa to be a ____. Hahaha. ;D

    You finally saw him? He's gorgeous. *Drools. I saw him this summer at Comic Con, TWICE. I was fan-girling all over the place. XD

    Ah! Awesome! You're too awesome. I'm at work though right now. Yeaaaaaa, I'm being bad! ^.^
    Hey friend! ;D

    Whenever you're free, may I please catalog the Pj and Santa! I want to use it on my mannequin. :D

    Not now. Whenever you're free. Thank you, Thank you!

    :D Also, I met a new friend on TBT. She was as random as you. XD
    :3 board and felt like posting to you. haha, 0.o how much did that creep you out?

    very much
    see you when i see you (insert that one face, you know, that face )

    but for now all the face you see is this one ~ ^^)
    You're too humble. ;P

    Ha ha! XD To be honest, I remember more about the events of you in my town more than the actual sets.

    But thank you, thank you! :3

    If you ever start to feel overwhelm and want to rant, PM me! If you need an ELF for your Santa duties, PM me. I'll be willing to help out! Just let me know.

    Take care! :D See you around friend! <3
    You're so popular. 550 Visitor Messages.

    I'll be the 551. Teehee! :'D

    Thanks for everything! ;D The sets and the laughs!
    No worries! You're doing me a really nice favor :) And I should be awake because it's only 10.44 am haha. I just didn't get a good sleep last night xD So yeah whenever you're ready, I will be too! Thanks again!
    Such a good student xD I never got detention until I started highschool.___. Idk what happened xD detention isnt bad, just boring D:
    I had a feeling you never had detention, you're too nice xD But my wishlist is pretty much the furniture sets I dont have and some clothing items xD
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