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  • Hey! By any chance do you have throwing beans or a sea globe? No one is responding to my thread about either xD
    Hey I wanted to ask if you have a blue party dress? I'm looking for one for my birthday coming up
    Omg. I am so envious of you! I dream of going there. Maybe in 1-2 years.

    I was in Disneyland CA, this summer & I was on a ferris wheel with an older woman from Florida. She was escaping from the heat over there. Lol. Is it humid there? Guam is the same thing. Also, the rain going on and off? Yup. Over here too. 2 weeks ago, we had this flooding issue and it was ridiculous. Lol. XD Our power kept going on and off. I thought that was just an island thing, haha.

    So um, Summer Santa, how about taking me to Universal Studios? Oh please Santa! ;D teehejk.

    How was the shops there like? :D

    Do you know what house you're in? I purchased a Slytherin robe and beanie at Comic Con! It's so awesome ^_^
    Here I am! Back online and at home. Not breaking any rules ;D

    I don't want to sound like a stalker but uh, I see in your Missing DLC that you need a white school cap. I have a white team cap. They both look the same, just different names. Does that matter? D:

    Well, I have it. If it's the one that you're looking for, I would like to give it to you. :3

    Your weather in Florida is the same as here on Guam! December is no where cold. Or maybe. We usually get the rain season around that time. Have you gone to the Harry Potter theme park in Universal yet? Ugh. I want to go so bad. :mad:
    Aww thank you hahaha thankfully I'm still alive xD I appreciate you holding it for me! And I will definitely let you know if I'm looking for anything! Thank you!! :D
    I was going to reply back but I'm getting out of work now. :D

    But I'm already here, so hi. Okay bye! <3
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