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  • Kino, clearly, has been mislead :( We shall officially begin the worship of The Great God Kimura. Eeeeee A Nay Shurami Ba, a-Matt. REPENT, I SAY, REPENT.
    My life is pure, for the God Kimura came into my life personally and gave Pipto the gift of the "Furniture of Princess Goods" , Have you, Kino, ever seen the God Personally? I say no! You have the wrong book! If you do not embrace the true version then the God Kimura shall not bestow upon you the "Furniture of Summer Grace"
    wait, Kino we are making two diffrent versions, one has the God Matt and one has the God Kimura, ONLY ONE CAN BE TRUE
    The religion Mattytism is based on the Great God Kimura, who hides in the shadows of the young and poor, and then comes into the light and bestows upon them great goods of rarity.

    Ok, ill stop now :D. The only sharing we have down of Mattytism is on your page XD But i am also now helping you find your dreamie... (mwhaha, i am in slight power :p!)
    For one is not too late to be saved! The Great Matt will Forgive all your sins. Mattysm is a wonderful blessing to be rejoiced!
    Haha, i laughed so hard at the name of my new religion, Mattytism :D, its perfect!
    It is a little hard to do, sometimes, i was supposed to make my 2nd game file a fun game, but i have put so much effort in Pipto that i dont want to leave it <3

    I am sorry about your friend :C, that guy is not very nice.
    Sorry about my inbox, i keep on getting rid of mail but it is always getting stuffed XC, i need to invest in a bigger one :eek:
    Awww that would be awesome <3 ^-^ Just let me know whenever you have time :3 I'm really busy for the next few days so I hope we have a good timing ^-^
    Yep she seems really pleased, and that makes me happy :) I'm so glad I'm making friends on this forum!

    i have no news from you about the princess set, please send me a message when you're are ready for bring to me, thx :D
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