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  • I'll start digging my grave! Hihi ^^ After I'm done with my paths I'll start working on my interior, go beetle hunting & save for the sets I used to have!

    If you'd like to visit, let me know! Hope you had a good night rest?

    ~ hugs ~
    Heyaa, Boo! You should see how it looks already! :3 being sick at home does have its benefits I guess!

    How are you? :)
    I'm just a perfectionist so I work hard on lots of things @-@
    Nah--it's still pretty quiet :3 Still waiting for payment from the most recent person too.
    I don't think I'm that special @-@
    *ponytails forever*

    Always fun to chat :3
    I'm so tired after last night xD I can barely get out of bed to get dressed xD You left presents here.. xD I'll leave them till you pick em' up c:
    Aww T~T Thanks <3 And pfft, I don't think so--I'm not very good!

    I mostly lurk to be honest. I'm really shy @-@ But aww T~T Thanks again!
    I don't know--I feel kinda normal XD
    Aww T~T Thanks <3 I appreciate the thought!
    I think my current priorities are the Subdued-Print Tee and Lime Dress since they are the last (non-DLC) tops and dresses I need respectively to finish off my catalog @-@ Then it's really just the stationery I still need... Evil rare stationery.
    thank you again & again for being so sweet to me!! (/。\) i'm super in love with everything and it's going to look amaaaazing in princess's castle!! ^^
    I'm in music class right now and I'm so bored it hurts :c Awww yaaay I feel loved xD I winz again c:< I'm like a big gloop on the floor from melting form your sweetness xD Dat would be so cool, if I ever get hungry.. I'd be sorted xD Just have a nibble xD I don't wanna be eaten, get a stick shoved in me or get roasted.. it would huuurt;w; Buuuuu..
    I will definitely get her for you I promise :D If I can't find her on Fourms, I'll kick my 2 Snootys out and reset for her as a random move in :3 No worries I got a plan xD Haha its fine, this will be my present for you c:
    EDITT:// When you is online, come get a Veggie Basket;3 Its a European DLC c: And yous don't have it I don't think xD
    Yup! I'll make my path characters in a minute. My goal today would be to pay all their tents off to houses and to lay all the paths! When would you like to come over? :3
    Only imperfection is the native fruit.. Which are apples. But I can get some peaches.. Besides perfect apples look gorgeous
    Awwwww dats so sweet c: Well you is one amazing American mr Matty :3 Pahaha I know right xD The weirdest things are the best things ;3 Awww that would be well cute c: Awww Matty you make me melt xD Only the best for you ;3 Awwwww man, that sucks :c Lets have a 1min silence for your lost Blaires u.u I will definitely get you her, I'll corner her and stalk her till you come get her xD I gots a plan c:< Awww bless! That makes me wanna get her for you more now :3 She shall be yours Matty c:
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