xDDD Hahaha!!
...It's funny to me, but I'm going to have to turn that down! xD I made a face cut out board of John Rzeznik of the Goo Goo Dolls, and I think that's all I'll want for now! xD I'm not like, into hentai or anything, most girls aren't. =p Oh, but we should totally play Animal Crossing together again!
ah nah you werent being mean or rude
though the guy who was selling it was kinda shady, and the other bidder seemed really mad
shame you got ripped off though that sucks
and it was a pleasure talking to you too!!
he looks pretty cute and i read shoujo manga a lot. just wondering if ive seen him somewhere, though he does remind me of a manga ive read im not sure if its him
Oh you accidentally gave me two shop counters! And it seems that there are ten pieces total but you accidentally gave me two of the same haha. I think you forgot the atm?