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  • welp, lemme know if you want to come back. closing my gates for now to avoid any random ppls comin in and stealing Marcie or wreckin my town xP
    Wow you are really a summer santa. Do you have throwing beans, I have extra one. I will give it to you as an exchange. :)
    0.0 He's never even seen me before... Dx

    Well I was waiting on someone to trade but she went offline xD so I'm just browsing threads. Gonna sleep soon.
    Lol xD ty for that again c: I'm sorry I couldn't help more with collecting music :c

    I took French all throughout high school but I'm not a native speaker xD My reading and writing is good but if people speak too fast I have to really pay attention or I miss it.

    Yeah... They will. D8 *imagines glowing Matt dressed as Chrom hovering above worshippers*
    Haha I actually found it kinda fun to speak in French... I like opportunities to practice it and see if what I'm saying actually makes sense. xD but yes language barriers are very frustrating >.>

    And yeah, I know you have good intentions. ^^ and I'm sure you've made a lot of people very happy by doing what you do.
    Haha, I feel that it's kind of a good thing that most people here are older, though. I feel it does boost the overall maturity level of this forum, which I like.

    Never really considered graphic design... I can draw but me and photoshop don't get along great. ^^; And I'm not very good at coding, so programming is out.

    I see o.o tbh I'm not very surprised xD I think you two are the type who would clash. You're a very generous person who often goes out of his way to help other for free. So I think it's natural that you'd dislike someone who goes to the effort of making a list of what he wants for something that is often considered a free service. Ehh. I'm just glad it's over.
    I am? o: Almost all of my friends on here are older than me 8D

    Idk yet. Probably something in the sciences. The school I'm going to is right up there with John Hopkins for its premed program so I'm toying with that idea a bit, but not sure I can put forth the commitment for that yet. So I'm not going to declare until my sophomore year.
    I'm kind of shamelessly hoping that someone will lend it to me in college... xD I don't really want to spend money on it seeing as i just got NL not long ago, Pokemon X and Y are coming out soon, and it's one of those games that I feel doesn't have too much to do after you beat the game. But I reeeally wanna beat the game b
    Idk, just never looked at it before xD I wanna play FE:A so bad ;w;

    Was gonna borrow it from a friend but then my other friend took it with her to europe. Dx
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