AnnaCerise Jul 24, 2014 I'm dumb I meant vertical *** not landscape. So that way you'd be able to put the pics side by side & make one sig pic out of it
I'm dumb I meant vertical *** not landscape. So that way you'd be able to put the pics side by side & make one sig pic out of it
AnnaCerise Jul 24, 2014 Oh yasss I can do that, just fill out the mayor form on my thread Plus a ref ty ty (or you can just describe if that'd be uncomfortable, just be super detailed!)
Oh yasss I can do that, just fill out the mayor form on my thread Plus a ref ty ty (or you can just describe if that'd be uncomfortable, just be super detailed!)
AnnaCerise Jul 24, 2014 Do I draw mayors or would I draw you in person as a mayor? I can pretty much do both LOL those are 100TBT each though
Do I draw mayors or would I draw you in person as a mayor? I can pretty much do both LOL those are 100TBT each though
AnnaCerise Jul 24, 2014 Hiiii if you transfer the TBT over I can start your avatar! I'd be done very quickly, as you're the only one in queue as of now LOL
Hiiii if you transfer the TBT over I can start your avatar! I'd be done very quickly, as you're the only one in queue as of now LOL
JellofishXD Jul 20, 2014 Yes I've nearly got ur 700 and I'm finishing today by gettin 300 tysm if u wanted more I don't even no Wat I would've done ! Lol
Yes I've nearly got ur 700 and I'm finishing today by gettin 300 tysm if u wanted more I don't even no Wat I would've done ! Lol
JellofishXD Jul 19, 2014 sold an my favourite and only shiny eevee to ge to where I am and its still not enugh so close ish!
Zulehan Jul 19, 2014 Your chance to get Hamphrey if still interested:!-Free-to-a-good-home-(also-looking-for-Kabuki)&p=3426018#post3426018
Your chance to get Hamphrey if still interested:!-Free-to-a-good-home-(also-looking-for-Kabuki)&p=3426018#post3426018