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  • Well this is from my own view and also reading the forums. Everyone is always frustrated at them but not you .-. Since you are usually following their instructions. An example is the very first week I came on this forum, they had a giveaway for bells and I entered. You won as well, but you decided to give me your part of it. They wouldn't let me have your bells (which is ok), but then when they were actually giving me the bells the WiFi quit and then they never came back. So I never got anything from the giveaway. This is completely fine though, since now I've made a lot more money than I had then when I just started and I don't need it, also it was a giveaway so I am thankful that they tried to do this nice gesture anyways. But since then they haven't really treated me nicely and was being rude to me when I was asking about a friend's order .-.
    I hope you understand that people aren't mad at YOU ;n; you have always been very nice to me and I thank you for that. But it's just the way that the other person treats everyone, and you are unfortunately always nearby. Please know that no one thinks bad of you!
    Please don't leave! It's just that emailing is against the rules, so people were quite mad about it.
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