Shirohibiki Apr 23, 2014 Part of your commission is done. Will do the second part tomorrow, hopefully.
Part of your commission is done. Will do the second part tomorrow, hopefully.
Fudgenuggets Apr 22, 2014 I'm sorryi I can't hold on to her for you any longer T-T IM SORRRY Q-Q *dies of guilt*
Fudgenuggets Apr 22, 2014 So did you ever find anyone to hold Rosie for you? I have to pick up another villager soon. Sorry to rush but I need her out of my town by today for sure. x_x btw your inbox is full
So did you ever find anyone to hold Rosie for you? I have to pick up another villager soon. Sorry to rush but I need her out of my town by today for sure. x_x btw your inbox is full