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  • Hey- I messaged you on your thread for common wishlist items also but, I have lots of clothing items that are 200 bells each. If you would like to look around this morning you are welcome to!
    Hello ! Sorry I didn't notice this I hope you're still online ono
    And yep I can give you a watering can :)
    Hmm, sure, why not?
    I can try :) you can do the order in my shop's thread, I've just added an appropriate form
    Or would,you just like to,use the void? (also the,price we agreed on,was,like 8(I think?) Trips to your shop)
    Heeeeeey,Tabby a moving soon!,worst case scenario is I'll clear my void before she moves and We can go through that process!
    You available to receive this order now?
    Luckypinch - Order ready
    -bath mat 600 x2 = 1200
    -bath tub 2400
    -bucket 600
    -ice cream case 1800
    -milk case 1800
    -spa chair 600
    -wash basin spa 2880 = 11,280 + fee = 15,000 (8)
    Asteroid 1800
    Flying Saucer 2400
    Lunar Lander 3200
    Lunar Rover 2560
    Moon 32,000
    Rocket 2400
    Satellite 2600
    Space Shuttle 2780
    Space Station 2800
    Spaceman Sam 2800 = 55,340 + fee = 60,000 (10)
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